Love, Veronica

“Dear NICU Mama, The journey you are on with your medically complex miracle may feel like the longest roller coaster ride you've ever ridden, but you are safely buckled in.

As you walk or wheel down those halls for the first time, you are not only preparing to meet your new baby but also getting ready to meet a whole new care team. Some of these people will have titles you may have never heard of. No matter how many stories you hear about other NICU experiences, no one can ever really prepare you for your own.

I encourage you to get to know the people taking care of your baby when you cannot be there. There might be days when you don’t want to leave the NICU. There might also be days when you can only spend an hour or two. No matter how much time you are able to spend there, you can walk out those doors with a little peace of mind knowing that you left your baby in the hands of people you trust and will grow to love.

I hope you remember you are the biggest and best advocate for your miracle. Please do not feel shy or embarrassed to speak up when you feel like something isn't right.

And mama, I promise you there will be a day when the roller coaster will come to a complete stop and you can release that buckle. For now, embrace it and know it’s keeping you and your little one protected!”



More of Veronica + Carina’s NICU journey:

“My daughter, Carina, was born prematurely on January 14th, 2020 due to severe IUGR at 28 weeks, 6 days. She weighed 1 pound, 4.8 ounces and was just 11.25 inches long. We started our journey at the hospital where she was born, just 8 minutes away from our home. At exactly 3 months old, she developed pulmonary hypertension on top of her chronic lung disease. This new finding led her to be transferred to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, an incredible hospital but in another state and further away. This was where we finished our NICU journey and spent the following 7+ months. She was discharged just a little over a month before her first birthday, came home on oxygen and is fed 100% through her G-tube. Although the NICU journey was not easy, it was what was necessary to keep our baby alive - and for that I will be forever grateful.”


Love, Megan


Love, Francie