Love, Francie

“Dear NICU Mama, The journey you are on with your medically complex miracle may feel defeating, but you are not defeated. You will become stronger than you ever imagined and do things that you never thought you could.

Your child will show you tiny miracles each and every day. I hope you celebrate each miracle, however small they may be. 

Allow yourself to grieve too, mama. You are allowed to be angry, but don’t forget to pick yourself up at the end of the day. I know you know your child needs you, but please do not feel ashamed to ask for help. The kinder you are to yourself, the stronger you can be for your child. 

You will soon become your child’s biggest cheerleader and advocate. Follow your mom gut as much as you can and keep advocating. It’s okay to get a second, third or even fourth opinion if you need to. Never stop fighting and remember, you are not alone.”


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More of Francie + Sawyer + Quinn’s NICU journey:

Sawyer and Quinn were born in May 2016 at 27.2 weeks. Sawyer developed NEC at two weeks old and that almost took his life. He battled through the horrible infection, but it left him with short gut syndrome as well as a severe brain injury. Sawyer has since then developed epilepsy, but he never stops fighting. He is super smart and is beginning to talk with his eye gaze and advocate for himself. He is an absolute joy and brings so much laughter to our lives.


Love, Veronica


Love, Rachelle