Love, Megan

“Dear NICU Mama, When it feels like too much, I hope you know you can do this. You are stronger, bolder and more equipped than you ever knew possible. You were made for this journey long before you knew you’d walk this road, and you wear the weight of this season so gracefully.

When it feels like too much, I hope you know it’s okay to lose your cool. It’s okay to cry day after day when you walk through the exit door without your baby in your arms. Not many mamas understand the pain of leaving the hospital without their baby. It’s okay to be angry. Angry that nothing went as planned. Angry that you have to spend hours hooked up to a machine to feed your baby when you should be holding them and bonding like everyone always told you you would. It’s okay to ask yourself when this season will end. Because it will end, mama.

One day soon, you will look back and think about all those hours you spent in the hospital feeling alone, sad and broken, and you will be proud. Proud of yourself for enduring motherhood like the amazing mother you are. Proud of your baby for enduring a traumatic arrival into this world and thriving. One day this season will be a memory. A memory burned deep in your heart. It may be hard to believe right now, but you will make it, mama. You are strong, and there is no better mama for your baby than you.

When it feels like too much, I hope you know you aren’t alone. Hold your head high and keep showing up every single day for yourself and your baby. One day they will be so proud to call you their mama.”



More of Megan + Her Twins’ NICU Journeys:

“I delivered boy/girl twins on October 27, 2020. I was 30+1. My babies were 2 & 3 lbs and spent 57 and 61 days in the NICU. I’m a first time mom and my world was turned upside down. I knew twin pregnancy was hard, but I was not prepared to become a NICU mom. My babies are home and thriving now. Our 2lb girl is now almost 9lbs and my 3lb boy is over 12lbs!!! They are huge!”


Love, Stephany


Love, Veronica