Love, Sharon

“Dear NICU Mama, You are enough, even when you feel like your body failed you at the most important time of your life. You’ve been through so much, more than anyone could ever imagine, and you continue to stand tall, even when you feel like crumbling. The love you have for your baby is so powerful. It’s in every tear you’ve shed and every prayer you’ve whispered. You are the definition of strength, even when you feel your weakest.

There may be days when the weight of it all feels unbearable, when you question if you could have done something differently. But Mama, your body didn’t fail you. Your body carried life, nurtured it, and brought it into this world, and now, your heart continues to fight for that life every single day.

Your baby feels your love, Mama. They know your voice, your scent, the rhythm of your heartbeat. They know that you are their safe place, their comfort, their home. And even though this journey is not what you imagined, it is still a journey of love—one that you are navigating with all the grace and power within you.

When moments of doubt creep in, when it all feels too heavy, remember you are more than enough.”


More of Sharon + Her Daughter’s NICU Story:

“Our NICU story started at 24 weeks and 4 days due to severe preeclampsia and IUGR with a reversal flow. The scariest moment of our lives, at that moment as first time parents, we knew we needed to do two things: have faith and give our baby girl a chance to fight. So we did. Our NICU journey lasted 158 days. 158 days of holding our breaths and taking every single day, one day at a time. 

Our journey was an emotional rollercoaster that forever changed us. From the moment our baby arrived, at 15.9 oz, we were thrown into a world of uncertainty and worry. Each day in the NICU felt like a test of our strength and patience, but it was also a lesson in love. As we navigated the beeping monitors, learned medical terms, and built lifelong friendships with our NICU nurses, we discovered resilience within ourselves and each other. Through every setback and small victory, we learned to embrace the delicate balance between fear and hope, growing into our roles as parents. We entered our NICU journey as inexperienced and anxious parents, and left as different people shaped by love, patience and grace.”


Love, Jasmine


Love, Alicia