Love, Alicia

“Dear NICU mama, You are enough, even on the first day. 

The first day of motherhood is not what you thought it would be. The separation hurts beyond belief. It hurts because your love is so big, so raw, so real. Your love radiates from your heart in your L&D room, down the many floors to the NICU. It is felt many miles from your home, as you hug that camera overnight, watching your little one across state lines, running in as soon as you can to see your baby again. Because of your love, your baby quietly finds the strength to take their first breath. Because of your love, they know exactly who you are: Mama.

You are enough, even on days when you think your body failed. This is the most personal journey to process, and it does take time. But mama, reach out to that friend, get that help, and be patient. Give yourself grace, because you are worth fighting for. I promise, one day you will find peace with your body again.

You are enough, and you are the only mama your baby will ever need in this world. You and your little one have been intertwined from the start. They could have never done it if it wasn't for you.”


More of Alicia + Her Daughter’s NICU Story:

“My story is that my little girl came to this world when I PPROMed at 34 weeks. Though her stay was just 8 days, that was enough to break me. But with help from professionals, I have come to find peace with our birth and NICU story. I hope this helps anyone, even if it is just the editors reading through this.”


Love, Sharon


Love, Molly