Love, Jasmine

“Dear NICU Mama, You are enough, even when “those” indescribable feelings begin. This may be the feeling of confusion or loneliness in the wind. But as a NICU mom, just know you’re never alone: former NICU moms will walk with you for a lifetime. You have joined a unique sisterhood where mamas truly understand what you are going through and what you will go through if no one else does.

You are enough whether you can produce milk or not. Milk production doesn’t define you as a mother. Remember that your body may be just as in shock as you are. As long as you try to do what you can, it’s more than enough. As long as your baby is fed that’s all that matters too. Be kind to yourself, mama.

The NICU can feel like a lonely place. It’s so silent, yet so loud. You hear the monitors continue to beep, the water from parents washing their hands, and the nurses' shoes squeak. You hear absolutely everything, yet it still doesn’t drown out the questions of uncertainty circulating in your head.

You are enough even when you start asking “why you”? It may not be evident at the very minute you’re asking, but eventually it’ll become apparent: why not you? Throughout your NICU journey, you’ve discovered the magnitude of strength, hope, and a mother’s love. What once was pain eventually fuels into purpose. Although the trauma may try to consume you, remember that, just like your bundle of joy, you are not only a warrior, but a survivor. Your survivor story will continue to bring hope to the next generation of mommies.

Mama, motherhood is a work of art and I hope you master peace with your story. Although you can’t paint over the NICU journey, every day gives you the opportunity to paint your new canvas and allow it to reflect your piece of motherhood.”


More of Jasmine + Her Daughter’s NICU Story:

“My name is Jasmine Rainer. At 23 years of age I experienced Severe Preeclampsia, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, and Mallory Weiss tear. Because of this, I had to have an emergency c section at 28 weeks. During the emergency c section prep, I coded. When I woke up I was in the ICU and baby-girl’s NICU Stay had begun. After 52 days, before her due date, she was able to finally come home!”


Love, Sharon