Love, Jessica

Dear NICU Mama, My hope for you in 2021 is that you affirm your value regardless of the season you are in, and hold onto that value as tightly as you can. 2020 was unprecedented and it’s okay to recognize that and adapt even if others around you choose not to.

To the mamas that delivered during the pandemic, our miracles are a part of history. We were going to appointments without support, some of us probably delivered without that critical support, and at every follow-up appointment, we dealt with the unknowns of a pandemic on top of the unknowns of pregnancy.

My hope for you is that as time passes, you will be able to tell your children and grandchildren what you experienced in 2020 and watch their gaze grow with astonishment as they listen to the experiences you survived. 2020 was tough, but mama so are you.

“You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do, or what you have done, but simply because you are” -Max Lucado

Your value to your little miracles, your families, and to yourself is immeasurable.”




More of Jessica + John’s NICU journey:

“In 2017, I had my first child, and we ended up in the NICU after what many might call a “textbook” pregnancy…other than some extra weight gain. I was full-term, and after about 12 hours of labor, delivered via c-section. Long story short, I had a fever during labor, which put my son at risk for infection and he was in the NICU for observation. I didn’t come to understand everything surrounding my experience until I became a part of the Dear NICU Mama sisterhood in February 2020.”


Love, Holly


Love, Jules