Love, Jules

Dear NICU mama, My hope for you in 2021 is that you realize how brave you are. Instead of bonding with our babies in their first moments of life, we are separated so they can receive life-saving care. After a few days we leave the hospital alone, while our babies continue their stay in the NICU and fight to survive.

We wait hours, days, and sometimes weeks to hold our babies for the first time. We know what it's like to never take a moment of life with our baby for granted.

It's easy to get caught up in the NICU life and never want to leave our baby's side, but self-care is essential. How can we take care of our babies if we don't put ourselves as parents first? Journaling and enjoying your favorite treat while pumping at the end of a rough day can bring peace. Connecting with other NICU mamas can validate your feelings and remind you that you are never alone.

And mama, don't compare your baby's journey to other NICU babies. Some journeys are more challenging than others but remember, each baby thrives at their own pace. Your baby is a miracle and needs time to learn how to breathe, regulate their temperature, eat, sleep, and grow. Our babies and all their milestones are meant to be celebrated.

Give yourself grace and allow yourself to go through the motions. You are stronger than you know.”



More of Jules + Juliana’s NICU journey:

“My husband and I tried for 10 yrs to conceive a child. Our last fertility treatment worked. I was finally pregnant. We were so excited. At 21 weeks we found out that we were expecting a baby girl.

When I was 25 weeks pregnant my husband and I were hit in a head-on collision by a driver who fell asleep at the wheel. My placenta was abrupted 70 percent from the impact of accident.

When Juliana was 3 days old an ultrasound confirmed she sustained a Grade 4 brain hemorrhage. At 8 weeks old (33 weeks) she developed hydrocephalus. Juliana received a
life-saving brain surgery to place a shunt. She was critical for 72 hours after her surgery and almost died several times. Juliana pulled through and were so grateful. After spending 105 days in the NICU our daughter was finally able to come home.”


Love, Jessica


Love, Sydni