Love, Holly M

“Dear NICU Mama, I hope you know how worthy you are. These wires and machines do not define you, and they certainly don’t define your sweet little miracle. This dramatic start to your little one’s life can never take away the fact that you were chosen to carry and nurture your precious babe. It may be difficult to remember at times, but you are the perfect mama for your child. You are strong, and you are worthy.

You are worthy even when you break down and cry because it feels as though you are missing out on so many aspects of being a new parent. You are worthy even when it feels as though your sweet little one is taking a step backward after taking steps forward in previous days. You are worthy even when you feel as though your body failed you and now you, in turn, are failing your baby. You are worthy even when you mourn your pregnancy, one that may have been cut short or filled with worry and anxiety due to being “high risk.” You are worthy even when you feel overwhelmed, confused or just downright terrified.

But NICU mama, you are also worthy of the first smile you ever see your baby take, even if it is through the windows of an isolette. You are worthy of the tiny hand that wraps around your finger during care times. You are worthy of the incredible care your baby is receiving from their NICU nurses and doctors. You are worthy of overwhelming support from friends and family as you attempt to navigate this new and challenging time in your life. And above all else, you are worthy of the incredible joy that it is to be a mama to a miracle.

Without you, your baby never would have come as far as they have. You are worthy of so much more recognition than you will ever receive for the sacrifices you have made for your little one. Everyone always says NICU babies are fighters. But mama, so are you. You may not feel as though you are protecting or caring for your baby right now, but every gentle touch, soothing word and silent prayer lets that little one know you are there fighting right alongside them. And for that, you are worthy."



More of Holly + Thatcher’s NICU journey:

“My son, Thatcher, was born in Denver, CO on Dec 21, 2020 at 26 weeks, 3 days. He weighed 2lbs 5oz. My husband and I actually live 3 hours from Denver in a small town in Nebraska, but my local hospital had some concerns and sent us to Denver (as it is the closest city to us) to make sure nothing was wrong. At that appointment, the doctor told me that my cervix had shortened so much that she couldn't even see it on the ultrasound and believed that I was in labor. Despite their best efforts to keep him in, my son was born at 5:19pm that day! About 30 minutes after I delivered, I tested positive for COVID-19 and was then unable to visit my baby for the first 10 days of his life. What started as a day trip quickly turned into a NICU journey that we are still navigating! 

We have now been in the NICU for 40 days and are expected to be here until the end of March, which would have been his due date! My son is now almost 4lbs and we are hopeful that things will only get better from here!”


Love, Amy


Love, Holly