Love, Ebony

“Dear NICU Mama, You may not know it now, but one day you will be a walking letter of hope for the NICU mom who also had no reference point. 

Just like you're navigating this experience as best as you can, another mama with little knowledge and minimal support will walk this same road. We often tell mamas what to expect of their baby's journey, but we don't tell them about the hopelessness that comes with watching your baby fight and the inadequacy that comes with feeling like you can't meet all of your baby's needs. This mama will look to you. You will remind her that she is not defined by whether she pumps or how many days she visits, but by the fact she survived the traumatic birth that she never saw coming.

You remind her that her best is ALWAYS enough, even if it doesn't feel like it.”


More of Ebony + Reign + Roman’s NICU Stories:

“In 2018, Ebony and her husband Ryan welcomed their daughter Reign at 26 weeks due to HELLP Syndrome. After her 3 month NICU stay, Ebony dedicated her like to prematurity and maternal health advocacy. In 2023, Reign became the big sister to Roman who was born at 31 weeks and spent 6 weeks in the hospital. Ebony’s lived experience has led her to not only become a sought after speaker and maternal health advocate, but to found her own nonprofit Miracle Mamas and The Miracle Mama Podcast where she shares the stories of other parents like her.”


Love, Ali


Love, Sarah