Love, Sarah

“Dear NICU Mama, You may not know it now, but one day you will be a walking letter of hope for the NICU mama sitting in the same place you are now.

In the midst of our grief it’s hard to see hope for the future. That hope may be as small as a poppyseed, not unlike your sweet miracle when you first discovered you were expecting, but, like your sweet baby, it will grow. You will walk through fire together and your experience will be a reference point for future NICU mamas who follow.

Whatever your experience, your story is beautiful. It’s a story of courage and a story of becoming. You are becoming a walking letter of hope and your letter grows with each moment that passes- in or out of the NICU. Everyone’s road is unique, full of tribulation and celebration…not always in equal measure. Continue to look to your sisters, the women who have gone before you, who may be a walking letter of hope for you today. Know that you are a walking letter of hope too- even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Our story, our letter, doesn’t end when we walk through the NICU doors for the last time: it’s still being written. Wear your “walking letter of hope” with pride, dear NICU mama, because you are courageous, strong, and beautiful. There is a future mama sitting where you are now who will see it and find encouragement and hope through you.”


More of Sarah + Her Son’s NICU Story:

“Howdy, I am Sarah from Green Bay and my oldest was born at 30 weeks 6 years ago this July. We spent 40 days in the NICU dealing with infections and breathing issues before going home. He is going into kindergarten this year and is thriving. I am worried he is going to start beating me in foot races soon. He now has two younger siblings and we talk about the pictures of him in the NICU often since they are so different than his siblings. I still carry the experience we had in the NICU with me and probably always will, but it’s less raw the more removed we are from it.”


Love, Ebony


Love, Lindsey