Love, Ali

“Dear NICU Mama, When you doubt yourself, please remember that you already have all of the strength that you need. There may be times when you cannot imagine that you can keep going, but somehow you do. Somehow you get yourself to the hospital despite your healing body demanding rest. Somehow you interrupt your much needed sleep to pump for a machine when you long for your baby. Somehow you walk out of the NICU without your baby day after day. Because, sweet NICU mama, you have the strength to endure through anything for your baby.

You have the immeasurable strength of a mother’s love. You’ve had this strength all along, but maybe you never realized until you were challenged like never before by your baby’s NICU stay. You may exit the NICU on discharge day a different woman than you had entered it all those days ago, but your newfound strength will stay with you throughout your healing process. Wherever you are in your NICU journey, please remember that you have all of the strength that you need, even when you doubt that you can possibly keep going.” 


More of Ali + Her Daughter’s NICU Story:

“I am the mom to a 34 week NICU warrior who spent 4 long weeks in the NICU following my precipitous labor and emergency cesarean delivery. I suffered from hyperemesis gravidarjm throughout my pregnancy, and was hospitalized at 19 weeks for RSV and pneumonia, then immediately after my release contracted COVID. I was hospitalized again for preterm labor at 28 weeks, but thankfully the labor was able to be stopped and delayed until my water broke at 34 weeks. I am also the mom of a full term now-toddler who struggled to navigate our NICU journey to get her baby sister home.”


Love, Annika


Love, Ebony