Love, Ebony

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Dear NICU Mama, 

I hope you know how UNBREAKABLE you are! I know you’re probably wondering how you’re unbreakable when all you do is cry, worry, wonder if you’re doing your best, and sometimes struggle just to get up in the morning. But through it all, you continue to find the strength to not only advocate for your baby but to also continue to carry the weight of your home, family, relationships, friendships and finances during one of the most trying times of your life.

Despite your pregnancy not ending like you’d hoped, not getting to experience some of the things you looked forward to, and your birth not going as planned – you’ve found the strength to keep supporting others, even those who don’t know how to properly support you right now. Mama you were CHOSEN to birth this amazing little fighter of a miracle. Where do you think they get their strength to defy the odds? Despite the many amazing nurses and doctors who care for them, it’s your familiar voice, soothing touch, and undying love that’s fueling their fight to come home to you.

While watching my baby fight for her life, I only wish someone would’ve told me that our journey with prematurity was just beginning. That same strength that it takes to advocate for your baby in the NICU will help you make critical decisions for your little one in the years to come. I know it’s hard to see it right now, but in a year you’ll look back and realize the strength it must’ve taken to carry all you’re carrying right now. And only then will you be able to see just how UNBREAKABLE you truly are!



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More of Ebony + Reign’s Story:

While on vacation, Ebony began to experience shortness of breath and severe swelling at just 26 weeks pregnant, despite an uneventful pregnancy. She was diagnosed with sudden onset severe preeclampsia, pulmonary edema and HELLP syndrome and rushed into a crash cesarean. Reign Victoria was born at 26 wks weighing just 1 lb 15 oz. Despite the doctors expectations, she was born breathing on her own! Over the next 11 weeks she would experience 2 lung collapses, 2 infections, 8 blood transfusions and severe respiratory complications. After 3 months in the NICU our little miracle came HOME weighing a healthy 6lbs 10oz!

Since coming home in June 2018 she has battled and overcome RSV 3 times, pneumonia 3 times and has had 2 collapsed lungs. Because of those challenges she’s now oxygen but winning the battle against Chronic Lung Disease, Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, and our most recent challenge Pulmonary Fibromatosis for which she is soon to begin radiation therapy.

They decided to use her story to help others and began an Instagram prematurity awareness page (@andsheshallreign). They have also become ambassadors for March of Dimes and have been fortunate enough to share in the commercial taping and print ads for the most recent marketing campaign #ItsNotFine. Reign Victoria will turn 2 years old on March 25, weighs a whopping 26 lbs, and will begin a head start program shortly after her second birthday! Ebony said that her near death birth story and her resilience despite the challenges thrown her way are living proof that miracles DO exist!


Love, Katie


Love, Kayla