Love, Katie

Dear NICU Mama,

 I hope you know how capable you are. Motherhood is a blessing, but it’s also so tough. Beginning your motherhood journey in the NICU? It’s a whole new level of overwhelm. Being a NICU Mom is HARD! But... you can do hard things.

 As NICU Mamas, we do so many hard things. You’re making big decisions for tiny babies, asking difficult questions, and becoming an expert on your baby. Pumping your milk, or making the decision that formula is the best option for your babe. Hoping and praying for their life and health. But YOU ARE CAPABLE of these things.

 You have a strength that many mamas can’t understand because they have not lived your motherhood. They haven’t walked the hallway leading to the NICU. But mama I see you washing and sanitizing your hands for the millionth time, worrying that they’ll never be soft again. I see you holding your baby carefully, trying not to jostle the monitors and wires. I see you counting the days, but not knowing what final number you’re counting to. It’s so scary, and it’s hard. But I hope you know how capable you are.

And in life beyond the NICU? You will help your baby thrive and grow. You will teach your child about the world. You will advocate for your NICU graduate. You will be brave enough to ask for help where you need it, and you will love this baby fiercely. You are the most capable and perfect mother for your baby.




For more of Katie and Adam’s NICU journey:

Adam was born at 33 weeks and spent 18 days in the NICU. His main struggles were growing and eating (that suck-swallow-breathe thing is tough!). He is now 2.5 years old and they feel very blessed that their tiny preemie is now a happy and (mostly) healthy toddler!


Love, Tanisha


Love, Ebony