Love, Beth

Dear NICU Mama,

When it feels like too much, I hope you know how strong you can be and how strong you already are. Just keep reminding yourself that whatever you are feeling is ok.

It’s ok that you don’t want to talk to anyone today. It’s ok that when you go to the common area (to get a small peanut butter and some crackers because you haven’t eaten all day), you don’t want to make eye contact with the other parents there. It’s ok to be confused when the doctors do rounds and you are left with more questions than you thought possible. It’s ok to trust your gut and ask questions. It’s ok to not stay in touch with friends or family. It’s ok to be mad and jealous of anyone who had a flawless pregnancy, or an effortless birth. It’s ok to leave the hospital at night to get some rest, and it’s ok to cry as you are leaving the hospital.

Being in the NICU is like riding a roller coaster blind. You never know when the drops or turns or highs are going to come. But hang on tight, cling to your precious little one, and try not to be so hard on yourself.

Being a mommy is hard, and being a NICU mommy is unimaginable. You are so much stronger than you know. On those tough days when you don’t have any answers and are feeling defeated, there is a whole community of NICU mamas that are waiting to catch you. 




More of Beth + Elliot’s NICU journey:

Elliot was Beth’s rainbow baby, an ex- 25 weeker. He was born at 1 lb 15 ounces and stayed in the NICU for 116 days.


Love, Kelsie


Love, Alex