Love, Aliscia

“Dear NICU Mama, Your birth story tells the story of strength. You may struggle with the thought of not being strong enough, but know this: you made it through yesterday, and you can make it through today. Take each day one minute at a time. The love you have for your baby will give you that strength to get through each challenge.

You may feel alone or hopeless, but know your baby can feel your presence. You don’t have to conquer it all. There will be hard days, but know, the love you have for your baby will always give you that strength to make it through another day. Look at all you’ve overcome each day, the challenges, barriers, and uncertainties. Now, focus on today. You will make it though and your love for your baby will carry you. 

You are strong; you will make it through this battle.”

More of Aliscia + Madisyn + Meyah’s NICU Journeys:

“At 23 weeks, I delivered identical twin girls, Madisyn and Meyah.  

 Because of such young gestational ages, their birth was a miracle in itself.  Baby A developed Necrotizing Entercolitis (NEC) and the severity of the condition caused her organs to fail.  I lost Baby A after 12 days.  She fought an amazing fight and we are thankful for her time here with us.  Baby B later developed NEC as well; however, the NICU physicians and their teams caught the condition sooner, and with advances in healthcare, were able to treat and manage the condition through surgery and other procedures.  
We had a long and challenging NICU adventure, but after 126 days, we came home.”


Love, Brooke


Love, Carrie