Love, Brooke

“Dear NICU Mama, Your birth story tells the story of resilience. In a moment, your dreams changed. From dreams of cute clothes, baby showers, and maternity shoots, from making a birth plan and dreaming of your golden hour – suddenly your dreams were of survival, of being able to hold your baby, and of just being home from the NICU.

Your story is the picture of the resilience that comes from being a mama. While all of our stories are different, they all share one thing. When things became scary, we protected and loved our babies fiercely, even when it felt like the world was crumbling. You walked the halls of the hospital. You overcame intense fear and sadness to learn everything you needed to be the best mama to your little warrior. You were the bravest you have ever been.

When you wake, hearing the beeps inside your head, when you worry about your little one’s health, when you don’t know how to celebrate with others whose journey is different, please know, mama, that you are not alone. This sisterhood is walking beside you. You are worthy, capable, brave, and resilient. You are your little one’s hero.”


More of Brooke + Kieran’s NICU Journey:

 "I went into labor due to chorioamnionitis and PPROM at 24 weeks on 12/5/22. I was airlifted to a higher level hospital, where we were able to delay labor by 2 days. My little warrior, Kieran, entered the world at 24+2 and has been kicking butt ever since! Our NICU stay came with many challenges, but after 115 days our boy came home, 4 days after his due date. As with all preemies, we have many challenges, but are so happy to be fighting for our little Kieran.”


Love, Alyssa


Love, Aliscia