Pediatric Partners
Early Intervention is a free program funded by state and federal dollars to offer services and support to any family in ND that has a child age birth through 2 years of age, with a developmental delay or who is at risk for a delay due to a certain diagnosis. The areas of development that we focus on are:
Physical skills (reaching, crawling, walking, drawing, building)
Cognitive skills (thinking, learning, solving problems)
Communication skills (talking, listening, understanding others)
Self-help or adaptive skills (eating, dressing)
Social or emotional skills (playing, interacting with others)
An evaluation is completed with the family and child to determine eligibility. If a child is found eligible, the child’s team develops a plan with goals to work on at home or in the community. All of our early intervention services focus on the routines of the family and what areas the family is concerned with or has challenges with. Some of the challenges we work with are bedtime, bath time, feeding, car rides, lack of words, understanding directions, crawling, walking and socialization skills.
Our staff consists of occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologist, and educators. Each staff member has area of specialty and years of experience working with a variety of children and families. Some specialties are infant massage, lactation consultant, torticollis, behaviors, sleep training, and many more. All visits are done in the home or community (restaurant, park) with the family or caregiver. We want to be in the natural environment of the child so we can give the best possible support and suggestions to the family.
Early intervention at Pediatric Partners was opened in 2011 after seeing a need for increasing the availability of services for children who have a developmental delay or are at risk for developing one later in childhood and their families. We are passionate about supporting children and families through the first years of life and enhance family’s strengths and promote the best possible developmental outcomes!