Your Body Did Not Fail, Your Body Survived

We talk often about the unique relationship many NICU mamas have with their postpartum bodies. For preemie NICU mamas, it can look like a relationship mixed with gratitude that it was their baby’s first home, and grief that it couldn’t carry their baby full term. So preemie mama, tonight we want to remind you that your body did absolutely everything it could to not only protect your baby but also to protect you. You are a survivor.

Often times in an emergency delivery, the delivery not only saves the baby but it also saves the mother. And when we take a step back, we can see that your body was using all of its resources to try and protect both of you. We know it’s so hard to believe it now, but your body is not against you.

We also know it doesn’t always come naturally to thank our bodies and our wombs for what it did during pregnancy. Especially if we are still learning how to speak kindly and compassionately to ourselves. So as a starting point, here is a gentle exercise:

Place your hand on your heart or if you are comfortable, on your womb, and say something like: “Thank you for being my baby’s first home. I know we may have a long ways to go before we are at total peace with each other, but I want to say that I’m sorry for blaming you. I realize that you were not only trying to protect my baby, but you were also trying to protect me. I recognize today that we survived and for that I am grateful. Today I commit to learning how to speak compassionately and kindly to you. We are on the same team.”

As you heal and as you grow, just remember that you are never alone. Your body did not fail.


Love, Kristen


Love, Emily