Love, Tomissa

“Dear NICU Mama, I hope you know how open you are.

Each day, you are learning more about your child who is taking small steps toward leaving the NICU. You are creating new relationships with those around you — your nurses, neonatologists, specialists and therapists who are working with your littlest loved one. Friendships are foraged from this new challenge, some with strangers who are now family and some with whom you may have fallen out of touch.

 It is so easy to close yourself off to the world when traumatic events occur, to be insular and avoid assistance. Many days you may feel like crawling under the covers of the bed, closing even the smallest shreds of sunlight off from your view. It is more than okay to feel that way and to have a few of those days, but you are incredibly brave for taking on each day to better yourself and your family.

You are finding new ways to endure the sameness of each day, whether it is leaning on your support system or finding moments to let the tears fall on your mask within the confines of the sterile hospital room. This isn't an experience any of us wished for, but we're all moving mountains each and every day.

Our hearts have all been opened by the love and strength of our children. May we always be open to new opportunities and show the courage we exhibit each day as we move toward taking our little ones home.”



More of Tomissa + Henry’s NICU journey:

“My son, Henry, was born prematurely and spent 40 days at the Meriter NICU in Madison, WI. He was born at 35w6d due to my diagnosis of preeclampsia and an unwillingness to wait even one more day to listen to Taylor Swift's new album folklore.

He was on oxygen for a few days with a CPAP and then a nasal cannula, had issues regulating his temperatures and struggled with feeding for the entire duration of his stay.”


Love, Marianne


Love, Amy