Love, Lexxa

Dear NICU Mama,

Bravery sometimes looks like giving yourself grace. This can mean so many things. After spending time in the NICU, one of the bravest things you can do is take care of yourself; whether it is self-care, asking for help, or setting boundaries.

Shortly after our delivery, I realized anxiety was taking over my life and I needed help so I reached out to a therapist. While seeing my therapist, I realized that self-care and setting boundaries is what I needed to get through our NICU journey and this is what has continued to get us through our journey. Something my therapist said to me was that I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to do. To this day that has stuck with me and has honestly changed my life.

Therefore, I am here to tell you that, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” Take a minute to read that phrase again and really take it in. Paranoid about visitors whether it is at the NICU or at home? Don’t have visitors. Changing your mind because now the NICU or home feels lonely? Have visitors. Don’t want to make time to go see family or friends because they are going to make you relive your journey/hard days? Don’t. Want to have an hour to yourself or with your friends? Do it. Want to get a mani, pedi, or massage? Treat yourself! Want to spend all day in the NICU? Go for it! Need a break from the NICU? Take it.

Give yourself some grace, set boundaries, ask for help, and take it one day at a time. There is no better or braver mama in the world for your fighter than you.”




More of Lexxa + Ali’s NICU journey:

Ali was born at 28 weeks and 2 days in an emergency c section due to severe preeclampsia. She weighed 2 lbs 2 oz and spent 88 days in the NICU. She came home on oxygen and an ng tube. The ng tube is gone, but she is still on oxygen at night due to chronic lung disease.


Love, Jakarta


Love, Tiffany