Love, Kelly

“Dear NICU Mama, Your family building journey may look different than the one you imagined, but I hope you know that you’re not in this alone.

When you see your friend’s pregnancy announcement and feel both bitter and guilty, you’re not in this alone.

When OB appointments give you anxiety rather than excitement, you’re not in this alone. 

When you check your blood pressure for the tenth time that day just to make sure it’s not rising to preeclampsia levels, you’re not in this alone.

When they tell you that you’ll need to be induced ASAP, and baby will need to spend some time in the NICU, you’re not in this alone.

When you have to ask permission to hold your baby, feeling more like a NICU nurse rather than a mom, you’re not in this alone.

When you’re told that your baby will need to stay “just a few days longer” for the fourth time, you’re not in this alone.

When you stare at your baby through their isolette and think to yourself, ‘This isn’t how I thought building a family would be…’ you’re not in this alone. 

Sweet NICU mama, your family building journey may look different than you imagined, but please know you are not alone. 

You have a sisterhood of fellow moms who have felt these feelings alongside you.


More of Kelly + Lucas’ NICU Journey:

“Sweet Lucas was born at 34 weeks due to a sudden onset of preeclampsia for me. I went from enjoying a relaxed night at home, to suddenly being told in triage that I would need to be induced that night. 

Lucas stayed in the NICU for 23 days, while I stayed for 5 days post-delivery for continued high blood pressure. 

He is now almost 6 months old, and although we still have some feeding struggles, he is doing amazing. I am so thankful that we are both healthy and well.” 


Love, Carly


Love, Carolyn