Love, Carolyn

“Dear NICU Mama, Your family building journey may look different than the one you imagined, but I hope you know that your family is perfect the way it is now and the way it will be in the future. I know this isn’t how you imagined starting or growing a family going, and the future may seem uncertain, but your family is perfect, mama. 

When the walls feel like they’re closing in, and you can’t wrap your mind around why this is happening, just remember you were perfectly chosen to be your sweet little one’s mama. And your little one was perfectly picked for you. No one is a better fit than you. Your love is undeniable and will overcome any diagnosis or uncertain future. The days are long, and the nights are even longer, but you are doing a great job, mama. 

Whether you decide you don’t want to continue your family building journey because of fear of the future or whether you choose to continue the journey even if it is full of uncertainty, know your family is perfect just they way it is. 

You’re perfect, mama.


More of Carolyn + Jaxon’s NICU Journey:

“We were diagnosed with Polyhydramnios at week 25 and scheduled for induction at week 39. However, we did not make it to that goal. On Thursday, September 8th, 2022, we went in for an emergency C-section due to an unresponsive NST. North at 4 lbs. and 14 oz., little Jaxon’s entrance into this world was far from easy. He was resuscitated at birth and placed on a ventilator, then quickly air lifted to the children's hospital in San Diego to be placed on therapeutic cooling and EEG for 72 hours. All while I stayed behind to recover. Little Jaxon was a week old when he finally was able to be held. During Jaxon’s stay in the NICU, he had many tests, MRIs, EEGs, EKGs, genetic screening, and had a g-tube surgically placed. After spending 5 weeks and 36 days in the NIC,  we finally got discharged with an HIE, hypertonia, and dysphagia diagnosis. While we are still uncertain of Jaxon’s long-term future and waiting on a more concrete diagnosis, we are hopeful he will overcome any challenges that will come his way. He is our fighter.”


Love, Kelly


Love, Jossie