Love, Kailee

Dear NICU Mama, Nothing prepares you to mother through a global pandemic, but you can find hope in this community. There is a community of mamas, right here through this screen, that are facing the same battle. All of our stories are different, but we have all been in the place that no mother plans on being in.

This may not be the first time you’ve quarantined during your sweet warrior’s life, and it may not be the last. But this time is different because you have a community of other women who will pick you back up on your darkest and hardest days, and make you feel listened to and most importantly understood when you need to vent about this uncharted territory.

This community will praise you at your worst, praise you at your best, and be there for you through all of the in-between. Because not only do we want to be the best for our babies, but we want the best for each other. As we say to our NICU warrior every morning, “You are kind, you are smart, you are strong, you are important, and you are loved.”



More of Kailee + Esmé‘s NICU journey:

“I had complete placenta previa during my pregnancy. At 27 weeks, I had my first hemorrhaging  bleed and our daughter was almost delivered then. Doctors were eventually able to stop the bleed and I was placed on hospital bedrest, then at home bedrest. After two more hemorrhages at home, I was back in the hospital for what was supposed to be a month long Antepartum stay. I had one more hemorrhage and Esmé Elise was born the next morning at 31 weeks, the morning of my baby shower. Even with rounds of steroids and magnesium, Esmé did not breathe for four minutes after birth and did not cry for six minutes. Once she got to the NICU, however, she excelled. Esmé was off her CPAP after one day, spent three days under bilirubin lights, and off oxygen after six days. The rest of the time in the NICU she was a “grower and feeder”. She only had one minor set back with her temperature throughout our stay. After 30 long days,  we went home the morning of my scheduled 36 week C-Section. 

        Esmé‘s first year at home was great. She was not even sick one time. A week after her first birthday, however, Esmé was hospitalized overnight with a seizure. She continued to have seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy in April. She stayed two more nights at the hospital in May for further testing. She has not had a seizure since then, so we are hoping for the all clear, soon.

        Esmé is thriving in life. She is the happiest baby I have ever met and loves everyone. She is always on the go, always climbing everything, and nothing can stop her. She has a zest for life that only a NICU baby can have.”


Love, Salma


Love, Jen