Love, Carrita

“Dear NICU Mama, When it feels like too much, I hope you know that you’re allowed to step back and breathe. You are allowed to express that the load feels too heavy at the moment. I know you feel like you have to be superwoman, and you are! But you are also human. Not only are you human, but you are on a journey that you probably never expected to be on. This journey does not come with a fancy ‘how to’ manual or a tour guide; however, it does come with an incredible support system of other NICU mamas who will walk beside you.

This sisterhood of NICU mamas welcomes you with open arms. You can be your true beautiful self in this space. You don’t have to hide your tears, your weariness, your fear of uncertainties or anything else. We understand that sometimes you need someone to share the burden with you. That is why we are here! Everyone’s NICU journey is different, but that does not change our feelings towards one another.

When it feels like too much, I hope you know how amazing you’re doing. I hope you know that no matter what, you are the best mom for your child. I hope you know that you have sisters waiting to take your hand and walk with you every step of the way. Most importantly, when it feels like too much, I hope you know that you are loved, supported and cared for by everyone in this community.”



More of Carrita + Isaac’s NICU journey:

“I gave birth to Isaac at 26 weeks. He was born weighing 1lb 13oz and spent 116 days in the NICU. While the journey was extremely difficult, I am grateful for all that it taught me.”


Your Scar Tells the Story of Love


Love, Stephany