Love, Carrita

JANUARY | “My Hope for you in 2020 is…”

Isaac was born at 26 weeks weighing 1lb 13 oz and spent 116 days in the NICU

Dear NICU Mama,

My hope for you in 2020 is that you always remember how incredibly strong you are. You are not alone. There are so many NICU mamas around the world that are standing with you and ready to support you.  I remember the first time I was wheeled into the NICU to visit my son; I had never felt so lonely in my life. I had never felt so defeated. How did I end up here? Why did I end up here? I’ve completely failed my son; those were my thoughts. I later learned that I couldn’t have been more wrong. And if you’re feeling that way right now, you’re wrong too, mama. Let me tell you why.

You have given birth to a beautiful miracle. You have birthed a fighter. No matter how long you carried your child, you did great! Your body has been a beautiful home for them. You have given them life, there is no way you have failed your sweet baby. You have been welcomed with open arms into the elite NICU moms club. I know, you didn’t really choose to be a member. However, it is a club made up of the strongest women in the world so please be proud of yourself.

There will be days where you feel like you can’t do it anymore. That’s ok. Take a break and regroup. But as a veteran member of the NICU moms club, I must tell you, quitting is not an option. There will be days when you feel okay and days when you have no control of your emotions. Let yourself feel whatever you need to in those moments. Don’t ever feel like you must hide anything from anyone. This NICU journey is truly a roller coaster and you must take it one day at a time. This is your unique journey so don’t ever let anyone dictate how you navigate it.

The NICU can easily overtake you and cause you to lose yourself. I know, it happened to me. My son spent 116 days in the NICU. There was no way that I was able to keep it together that entire time. I had to find a way to somehow survive this crazy ride. I learned that celebrating every single milestone helped me smile a little more often. Every little thing your baby does in the NICU is a miracle and should be treated as such. And mama, please celebrate yourself!! Every single morning that you wake up and choose to keep going should be celebrated. Every single day that you survive this journey should be celebrate!! You are a warrior, a survivor and a victor. Live as such and be proud of yourself every single day! I love you and I am rooting for you!


Carrita Flie, Mom of a 26-Weeker


Love, Jennie


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