Love, Brooke

“Dear NICU Mama, When you feel alone, I hope you know your NICU sisters are here.

When the grief is insurmountable and the days feel isolating as you eat in the hospital cafeteria, know that your sisters have been there. When you leave the hospital every day without your baby and tears are rolling down your face, know another mama walked those same steps that you have. When no one seems to understand what it is like seeing your baby hooked up to monitors and life saving machines, know there was another mama who watched her baby in the same room as you.

When you feel like the shame and guilt is overpowering you, there are women across the world that are grieving just as you are. They know the pain and hardship of letting go of expectations, of having your baby separated from you, and of trying to rediscover themselves in the new unnatural place of having your child in the hospital. Whatever your NICU journey has looked like, we are all bonded and bound by the love for our child - something all NICU sisters share and are never alone in.

So sweet NICU mama, know that when you are at your lowest and feel like there is no one there to understand, your sisters are here to walk alongside you in your journey through both the triumphs and the hardest days. May we find each other along this path and share our NICU stories together.”


More of Brooke + Sage’s NICU Journey:

“Sienne was 2lbs and 14 inches long and rushed to the NICU. The tiniest little warrior I had ever seen. 

Sage battled 2 infections during her stay, one of them being MRSA that resulted in her getting severely sick and causing damaged lungs. She received numerous X rays and tests, blood transfusion, picc lines, & medication.  She went from the ventilator, CPAP, to high flow & is now on at home oxygen. Sage stayed 92 days & 13 weeks in the hospital and was finally brought home on February 19th. the NICU was the hardest journey we’ve ever been through but also the most beautiful. We are so proud of our girl who has accomplished so much in so little time. She is a true little fighter!

I love Dear NICU Mama. It’s truly helped me along my journey and I have felt so encouraged!”


Love, Danielle


Love, Katie