Tyler Loch

Tyler brings a decade of experience in the financial services industry, specializing in helping clients achieve their financial goals. Before joining CLA Wealth Advisors LLC, he focused on servicing and onboarding 401(k) plans for sponsors and participants, along with extensive experience in personal and business banking and lending. In his current role, Tyler works with individuals and business owners to develop comprehensive financial strategies, including retirement planning, investment management, and tax and estate planning.

Tyler lives in Zimmerman, MN, with his wife, Kendra, and their children, Kallen and Nora. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new cuisines, cheering on Minnesota sports teams, and spending time on the lake or in the woods with family and friends.

“In our time in the NICU (six months) with our son, my wife was constantly seeking input and support from other mama’s going through a similar NICU experience (full-term baby with a genetic disorder). We quickly found that many individuals in the NICU alongside us, although battling their own wars, didn’t share in the same experience as we had, leaving us on an island. A year after our NICU journey, DearNICUMama was set into motion, and my wife was finally able to connect with other mom’s across the country that shared in our emotional trauma of walking through being told what your son is, and what he isn’t... What he has, and what he doesn’t have. The pool of stories and shared experiences grew quickly, offering up an outlet and resource for her to finally feel heard.

 Every NICU journey is different, but one thing we have learned – is to never discredit the trials and personal tribulation that the NICU brings – whether six days, or six months. Every experience creates an opportunity to make an impact, and Dear NICU Mama provides a platform to do exactly that.”


Ann Nguyen