S8 E17 | Trisha Part 1

On this week’s episode, we talk with Trisha Stibbe and hear the story of her identical twins, Sam + Jack who were born at 28 weeks! Trisha shares about her journey navigating twin to twin transfusion, an early delivery, and advocating for her twins in the NICU. She also opens up about isolation, how friendships shift and change, and the new identity that NICU moms often go through on top of navigating complicated NICU journeys.

We hope that as you listen to Trisha’s story, you see that regardless of all the changes that you experience because of the NICU, that the new version of you is worthy of getting to know. Stay tuned for part 2!

About Trisha Stibbe:

Trisha Stibbe  was born and raised in Fargo. After marrying her high school sweetheart they moved to Omaha, NE where they spent the next decade. Finally back in their hometown, Trisha and her husband Adam are raising four kids with big personalities. Twins Sam and Jack were born in 2010 at 28 weeks, thrusting Trisha and her husband into the world of special needs parenting. A few years later, in 2012, Adam and Trisha welcomed son Eli. Not content with stopping when things seemed easy, they welcomed daughter Claire into their family in 2015. Claire was a surprise for many reasons, but the biggest of all came at her birth when they were told she had Down Syndrome and a heart defect.  Trisha recently launched Inclusion, Ink - an information portal dedicated to making advocating easier. She spends most of her “free time” advocating for special needs and inclusion, going to various and plentiful doctors appointments, acting on the Board of Managers of GiGi’s Playhouses, and meeting her caffeine limit by about 9:00 a.m. every day. She deals with her crazy life best with sarcasm and has found a creative outlet through her blog. You can follow her on Instagram @tstibbe and @inclusionink

To listen, you can find us on iTunes , Spotify, or by clicking the link below!


S8 E18 | Trisha Part 2


S8 EP 16 | Father’s Day Mamas Call In!