S1 EP 1 | Martha Part 1


For our first official episode of the Dear NICU Mama podcast, we have the honor of hearing from one of our DNM founders, Martha. In this episode, Martha shares about her son's NICU journey of three days.

For the books referenced at the end of this episode:
"I Will Carry You" - Angie Smith
"Empty Arms" - Sherokee Isle
"Ask Me His Name" - Elle Wright

To get connected:
Website: www.dearnicumama.com
Private Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/286008085639339
Instagram: www.instagram.com/dearnicumama/

** This episode does cover infant loss, and if that may be a trigger for you, we ask that you listen to this episode in an environment that you feel safe and/or at a time when you feel ready.

To listen: iTunes Soundcloud or by clicking play below!


S1 EP 2 | Martha Part 2