S1 EP 10 | Heidi


We are celebrating and honoring a few different awarenesses for the month of November, one of them being Pulmonary Hypertension! On today’s episode we hear from Heidi as she shares about her daughter Emilee’s journey with PH. Emilee was born full term, 2 days late actually. She went into distress during labor and Heidi was rushed for an emergency c/s. Upon delivery Emilee passed her first apgar test, but then quickly went downhill and was then rushed to NICU. Her health continued to go downhill and she was eventually diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). They went home together at 1 1/2 months. When Emilee was 17 1/2 months she got pneumonia which landed her in the hospital, and this is when they found out her PH was there. She was then placed on oxygen as therapy for her lungs and started oral medicine.

They try not to let PH stop us or her so they make sure to go to the lake, swim, zoo's, church, play dates, parks, school, and more! Emilee even wants to be a cardiologist to help other kids like her when she grows up :) We’re excited to be sharing their story with you today!

For more info about PH: phassociation.org/

To listen: iTunes Soundcloud or by clicking play below!


S1 EP 11 | Mamas Call In : What are You Grateful For?"


S1 EP 9 | Mandy