S2 16 | Brandi Part 2 | Maddex's NICU Journey and Being a Pandemic NICU Mama


Today’s episode is a real treat because it is PART TWO of Brandi’s motherhood journey! Part one was the story and miraculous life of Declan and also Brandi's diagnosis and recovery of colon cancer. Part two is all about the pregnancy, delivery, and NICU journey of her son Maddex! On Christmas morning, Brandi found out that she was pregnant with Maddex. Because of her surprise and early delivery with Declan, she had a cerclage placed and was monitored closely throughout her pregnancy.

Maddex made his entrance to the world at 27 weeks and weighed 2lbs 4oz at birth. His NICU stay was a total of 61 days with no major complications, however because he was born in the time of the pandemic, Brandi and her husband navigated the continual changes of hospital regulations and unknowns of the pandemic.

In this episode, Brandi shares about pregnancy after loss, processing through the trauma of the NICU, learning to forgive your body, and also what it was like navigating the NICU journey in the midst of a pandemic. We say it often, but pandemic NICU mamas are our heroes!


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S2 EP 17 | Honest Faith & A Liturgy for NICU Mamas


S2 15 | Brandi Part 1 | Declan's Life and a Diagnosis of Colon Cancer