What is a Mom Gut?

Move on over Marvel, we’re talking about a far superior superpower: the mom gut. And no we’re not talking about that little pooch that follows many mothers postpartum. We’re talking about the internal maternal sense that each mother carries deep within themselves.

When engaged, this superpower is very powerful. Sometimes it’s a silent nudge that something isn’t quite right, and sometimes it’s an internal scream that something needs to be done. While its engagement will vary from one mother to the next, it can be a very powerful tool in advocating for your child.

It’s important to remember that you know your baby best. Let us say that again: You know your baby best. You are the one spending hours in the NICU doing kangaroo care or sitting beside your baby’s bedside, and your baby is a part of you. It’s amazing what happens when your mom gut partners with your medical team. And when you are discharged and going home? You know what signs to look for in regard to the health and care of your baby.

Mom Gut in the NICU:
- If you have a concern regarding your baby, mention it to your medical team. You may have to do this a few times, but you are not crazy for bringing up concerns.
- It can sometimes be hard to distinguish between anxiety and your mom gut. In moments of confusion, avoid a google search. It’s okay to be honest with your baby’s medical team about your anxiety. A way to approach this would be : “I’m having anxiety about this procedure or that something isn’t right with X or Y.” Honesty and vulnerability are appropriate.

Mom Gut post NICU:
- Being honest with your child’s pediatrician about any of your concerns.
- Being honest with your partner or a close family member about your concerns. Processing out loud can be an effective way to gain clarity on what steps are needed moving forward.

And to the mama who feels like her mom gut failed her, we want to gently remind you that you are also human and that guilt is not your burden. In moments of crisis and trauma, our body’s response can be an overwhelming feeling of numbness. You are a powerful mother and the love you have for your baby is a superpower that cannot be measured. 💕


Love, Katelyn


Love, Lauren