Love, Victoria

“Dear NICU Mama, I know you can do this because I’ve seen you do it.

I saw you do it when you laid in bed for weeks trying to keep your baby in. I saw you make the brave walk down the hall to the NICU, passing all the families taking their babies home. I saw you crying silent tears at night while missing your baby, and I saw you smiling when those tiny hands wrapped around your finger.

I see you as you grow stronger. I see you reading articles about the many NICU terms. I see you as you learn how to advocate for your child. Look at you! You’re fighting right beside your baby.

NICU mama, you can do this because I see you when you keep going through the ups and downs.

Fast forward and yes, you can still do this, NICU mama. Although your NICU time has passed, it doesn’t take much for the memories to flood back—a smell, a word, a picture—and with them, the tears.

I see you as you encourage another NICU mama, preparing her for the long road. Look at how far you have come, NICU mama, and look at how far you WILL go. You can do this.”



More of Victoria + Elijah’s NICU Journey:

“My name is Victoria and my husband, Patrick, and I found out we were expecting in February of 2020. Being a teacher, I have always loved children and couldn’t wait to have one of my own!

At my 20 week scan I was diagnosed with Incompetent Cervix. It was too late for a cerclage, as my bag was bulging. All hope was lost, but our little warrior stayed put while I was on hospital bedrest. He was born at 23 weeks + 4 days.

Elijah came busting into the world on July 4th, 2020. His first few months were critical. He was intubated for 10 weeks and had bilateral grade 4 brain bleeds, hydrocephalus and multiple surgeries. After 149 long days in the NICU, he came home on November 30th, 2020.

He is now 13 months actual (10 months adjusted) and developing so well. We couldn’t be more proud and thankful for our little warrior.”


Love, Emily


Healing is Lifelong: You Are Not Defined By Your Trauma