Love, Nicole

“Dear NICU Mama, From one sister to another, I hope you give yourself permission to celebrate the beautiful life you brought into this world and grant yourself the grace and permission to grieve the moments you feel you may have missed at the same time.

In the NICU, time stands still while we adapt to a new way of life. We find family and support in our NICU nurses, our doctors, and in the individuals that check us into the hospital each day. They become our constants, our sources of comfort, and our beacons of hope during our darkest moments.

Sister, you are not alone in your grief OR in your celebration. You deserve the space to cherish the slow moments and to process the difficult ones however you see fit.

You may have days that you think will break you and you will have days that fill your soul with a love you’ve never imagined. Sister, you are never alone and we are here holding your hand while you navigate this journey.”


More of Nicole + Goldie’s NICU Journey:

“Goldie was born at 41 weeks and 1 day weighing 9lbs 7oz and 23 1/4 inches long. After four hours of pushing my obgyn needed to intervene with forceps due to Goldie being in distress. Goldie was born with severe meconium aspiration, presumed hyper ischemic encephalopathy and was resuscitated in the labor and delivery room. Before being rushed up to the NICU I was able to kiss her cheek and touch her chest. We’ll never forget the NICU team that saved our girls life.

Goldie was placed on a cooling protocol - a bed that mimics hypothermia to preserve brain function. For three days Goldie was on the cooling blanket where she experienced internal

bleeding and was given multiple blood transfusions. On the fourth day goldie underwent the rewarming protocol and was brought down to a normal body temperature over the course of 24 hours. As a result of the cooking blanket Goldie’s organs needed assistance in restarting and she also experienced an influx of calcium in her back

and liver. On Goldie’s 5th day of life we were able to hold her and she began eating for the first time. Goldie was placed on a feeding tube to supplement bottle feeding and continued to progress.

Goldie was in the NICU for a total of 8 weeks due to Feeding difficulty and high levels of calcium in her body.

She is now 15 months old and we have truly been blessed with the most incredible girl - the strongest girl we know!”


Love, Brittany


Love, Reganne