Love, Nicole

“Dear NICU Mama,  Life after NICU may feel full of both relief and uncertainty, but know that you have already shown you have the strength to face those feelings.

Finally leaving the hospital with your baby may leave you with tears of joy for all to come, and tears of grief for all you had hoped for during your postpartum journey. I hope you know how many other mamas are feeling this alongside you.

I hope you are able to hold space for “and/both” rather than “and/or.” I hope you find with each person you share your journey of the NICU that they may share their own journey, showing you so many others who have been down this road and just how many of us see you. 

I hope that as you navigate this life after the NICU, you are able to see just how strong your baby is and just how incredible you are for weathering this storm, no matter how expected or unexpected it might have been.

I hope you continue to speak your truth and know that your feelings are valid. I hope you feel the comfort and compassion of your family, friends, and community as you navigate new beginnings.

And I hope above all, you know that your baby knows how much you love them, fought with them, and will always be there for the many years to come.”


More of Nicole + Bennett’s NICU Journey:

Bennett was born at 40+5 after an uneventful pregnancy. Bennett is our third baby. During labor, the L&D team noticed meconium stained fluid. When Bennett was born he was limp and struggling to breathe. He was immediately taken to the NICU. My husband and I were unable to see him for nearly four hours. Being our first baby to be admitted into the NICU we were very overwhelmed. Bennett was diagnosed with meconium aspiration syndrome. He spent 10 days in the NICU on CPAP, temporarily intubated, receiving preventative antibiotics in case of pneumonia, NG tube and with oxygen support.  

Navigating the NICU and two other small children at home was by far one of the most challenging and emotionally exhausting times of our lives. The NICU stay was never something we expected. 

We are happy to say Bennett is a happy 3 month old with no evident lasting impacts from his traumatic birth. Our NICU experience is something we think about and continue to process. Healing is truly lifelong.”


Love, Jontel


Love, Megan