Love, Myranda

“Dear NICU Mama, when I look back on 2024, I see a mama who embodied unparalleled care and determination for her baby. A mother who allowed herself moments of pause to feel the full spectrum of emotions that the NICU journey brought. I see a mama who endured more than she ever imagined but emerged closer to the strongest version of herself—a version she might never have discovered otherwise.

I see a mama who is an advocate, the strongest woman her baby will ever know. I see a mama challenged by the unexpected twists of this journey yet finding wholeness with each step of healing.

From holding your baby for the first time—days or even weeks after they were born—to standing over that large isolette which housed your tiny miracle, holding your tender c-section incision because your body, like your heart, was still healing—you carried yourself through the NICU experience with incredible strength. And now, as you transition home, you are the most amazing version of yourself, even though this journey was far from what you envisioned for 2024.

NICU mama, this experience has forever changed you. But know this: the strength you’ve gained will light the way for others who may face similar challenges. You are a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience, and a testament to healing. Day by day, you are being made whole again, shaped by the trials and triumphs of this year.”


More of Myranda + Quinn’s NICU Story:

“During my 20 week anatomy scan, I learned that my daughter had a condition called Gastroschisis which meant part of her intestines were on the outside of her body just next to her umbilical cord. I spent plenty of time in and out of the doctors offices to ensure her growth was continuing to move in the right direction and that baby was healthy. We knew there was a chance she could want to come as early as 30 weeks, as this is common with Gastroschisis babies, but Quinn was able to make it to our induction date of January 8th. I labored for many, many, many hours but she came via emergency c-section on January 10th, 2024. 

Immediately upon her arrival, she was checked into the Northside NICU and then transported to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta where she had her first surgery before I even got to truly meet her. They worked hard to get her intestines back inside her little body and were successful in doing so after 5 days of them slowly being worked back in. 

She spent exactly 30 days in the CHOA NICU where many nurses, NP’s, and other staff became a second home to us. It was the hardest journey myself, and my husband, ever had to endure but we made it! We have been home now since February 9th, 2024 and Quinn is doing amazing. We are celebrating her first birthday in just 5 days and truly cannot believe how far she has come in just ONE year! 

I am so proud to share our story and hope other mamas can relate to it even if for just a moment.”


Love, Genesis


Love, Joelle