Love, Melissa

“Dear NICU Mama, I hope you celebrate your well-earned title of “mother.” The role of a mother within the NICU is unique and is one that deserves commemoration.

It may feel easy to focus on all the things that “went wrong” around your pregnancy that required a NICU stay for your baby, but you did not fail. On the contrary, you rose to the occasion with fierce courage when you entered the NICU to meet your baby for the first time; and that, sweet mama, deserves to be celebrated.

I hope you celebrate the moment where, after examining the overwhelming number of wires, tubing, and extra machinery attached to them, you chose to look beyond the medical complexities of the situation and admire your beautiful baby.

I hope you celebrate the strength and determination your baby demonstrates to not only survive, but also thrive. If you ever question where your baby acquired these attributes, I hope you’ll look in the mirror and recognize that same strength and determination is also found inside of you.

On days where you find yourself feeling insufficient as a mother, I hope you’ll remember how essential your presence is to the well-being of your baby.

I hope you celebrate the strength that was displayed when unfortunate diagnoses were given, you chose to faithfully keep showing up and advocating for your baby.

I hope you celebrate all the new skills you’ve learned to care for your medically complex child in preparation for life outside of the NICU.

If you ever find yourself questioning whether baby knows you to be their mama, rest assured, a mother’s love is unmistakable. They know your touch, your voice, your smell, your love, and that is something worthy of celebration!”


More of Melissa + Cora + Jane’s NICU Journeys:

“In 2019 my husband and I found out we were expecting twin girls. At 23 weeks, my water broke. I stayed on hospital bed rest for 15 days. Our twins, Cora and Jane were born at 25 weeks gestation. They had a 198 day NICU stay before coming home on oxygen and with g-tubes. They are now 3 years old, thriving, and with nothing but g-tube scars to show for their prematurity. It's been a journey to say the least, but well worth it.” 


Love, Kailee


Love, Tiffani