Love, Marisa

“Dear NICU Mama,

When other people see your child as disadvantaged, know that as your NICU sister I see your child as a conqueror. 

While others may not understand the entirety of your situation, please know that doesn’t negate the paramount journey that you and your little one have embarked on.

As your NICU sister, I understand how tiresome it can be trying to keep everyone updated and knowledgeable as to what’s going on. I understand why you may feel you need to make them truly grasp it all. I understand how much you want to have someone in your corner who completely hears you and sees you.

But you are not alone, NICU Mama.

I know the courage it takes to wake up every morning and make the journey to the NICU. I know the exhaustion you may feel while listening to the doctors make their rounds. I know the responsibility you feel looking up and researching anything and everything when it comes to your sweet baby.

I want you to know that each day your little warrior is in the NICU, that they have conquered that moment with strength and perseverance. The same strength and perseverance that is inside you.”


More of Marisa + Her Son’s NICU Journey:

“On December 25th, 2021, I went into the hospital with slight bleeding, nothing out of the ordinary for my pregnancy because I had a subchorionic hematoma early on that bled occasionally. Still fearful, I got checked out. I was sent home with no concerns. 

Three days later, my water broke. I was 23 weeks pregnant. 

I immediately went back to the hospital where I was admitted and given steroids and magnesium. They also discovered that I had a very high white blood cell count and fast heart rate, indicating an infection; they were worried about sepsis. While some doctors told me that it wasn't worth the risk and that I should induce, others stated they believed antibiotics and keeping our son in the womb as long as possible was the best option.

Needless to say, we decided to go that route, and I was on bed rest until I ultimately went into pre-term labor at 26 weeks and 5 days. Our fighter was born weighing 2 pounds and 1 ounce. He also had a high white blood cell count, but other than that, doctors were ecstatic at how well he was doing in the NICU. The doctors and nurses at the Mount Carmel East NICU were actual angels. 

After 3 very long months, our sweet boy was sent home a few days before his due date on April 19th, 2022!”


Love, Sylwia


Love, Fernanda