Love, Keri

“Dear NICU Mama, When you feel alone, please remember I stood right where you once stood. Hovered next to the isolette with tears in my eyes. Embarking on this journey of unknowns. Alone with my thoughts. ‘What happens next? How do we make it through this?’ I felt like we were the only family there.

Thinking back to those early days, I never noticed the other parents walking down the hall to their babies’ rooms. It was only when things stabilized that I started looking around at my surroundings, other parents in the hall, the sound of other call bells. The mama wiping tears from her eyes as she leaves for the night. 

Sweet mama, the NICU is as isolating for you as it can be for your sweet babe is in their isolette, but you are far from alone. We hear your cries, we feel your pain. Your sisterhood is here for you. You are not alone.”


More of Keri + Sean + Owen’s NICU Journeys:

“Our twin boys Sean and Owen were born at 23+6 weeks on December 5th, 2021 weighing 1lb 6oz and 1lb 7oz. Sean battled pneumothorax, intestinal perforations, ROP, bowel obstructions and BPD. Owen battled bilateral grade 3/4 IVH brain bleeds with hydrocephalus and had two cranial taps to relieve pressure, he also had BPD. They spent 134 days in the NICU and came home with oxygen and feeding tubes. Sean and Owen are now happy healthy 20-month-old boys that are thriving and meeting milestones together. The NICU felt isolating and neverending. Our hospital was 2 hours away from home and my husband and I stayed in the local Ronald McDonald house during the boys' stay. Here we are today, thriving and able to share our story to give hope to other families.”


Love, Ashley


Love, Joanna