Love, Kelbi

“Dear NICU Mama,
This season and always, I hope you give yourself permission to celebrate your wins.

Entering a space of uncertainty can make it hard to know what success looks like, but I want you to know that every step forward is progress worth celebrating.

From complications and diagnosis, to delivery and beyond, each day can feel like a mountain. Sweet mama, I hope you know that every mountain you climb is a victory worth celebrating.

With every blood pressure reading, when tracking milestones, and learning to navigate your mental health postpartum, you might feel shame or grief for your story – but I want to remind you that your unique journey is one of love, resilience, and strength. You are the best mama for your child. You are worth celebrating.


More of Kelbi + Theo’s NICU Journey:
I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and IUGR during week 31 of pregnancy. After 3 weeks of blood pressure meds, tests and hospital stays, we ultimately delivered by c-section at 34 weeks. Theo weighed 3lbs 10oz and spent 2 weeks in NICU. I exclusively pumped and we fortified milk for 11 months. At 19 months postpartum, I was diagnosed with PTSD. After receiving treatment through EMDR, I’m grateful to have found relief. I want to give hope to new NICU moms. Last fall, I shut down and felt sick. This year, I’m proud to write this letter as we approach my son’s second birthday on 10/14. 


Love, Carolissa


Love, Natasha