Love, Jessica

Dear NICU Mama, I cannot wait to see all the ways you will thrive this year.

I hope on the days you hear news you walk away from in tears that someone at the supermarket tells you how cute your messy bun is. I hope when you arrive at a specialist’s appointment that you were scared to attend that you hear nothing but praise for all the hard work you have put in to help your child grow. I hope that you can give yourself a pat on the back for reaching your water intake goal on days you didn’t think you’d have time to refill your bottle.

Being a mom is not an easy job, and when you feel like you are slacking, know that you are the best mom for your baby.

Mama, you are going to crush this year in your own way. Don’t let the standards that society has set dictate how you thrive this year. Accomplishing goals is something us NICU moms know best. Give yourself grace, just like you did with your mighty baby, to check the boxes at your own pace. Thrive in your own way this year, mama. This sisterhood is waiting to hear all about it.”


More of Jessica + + Her Boys’ Journey:

 I was admitted to the hospital at 30 weeks and 2 days due to preterm premature rupture of the membrane (PPROM). Luckily, only Twin A’s sack had a leak, and we made a game plan to monitor his fluid and prevent Twin B from developing PPROM. After 2 days, I went into a very quick labor. One busted IV and a few minutes later I was rushed into the OR alone and put under anesthesia for an emergency c-section. 

Our boys had two completely different stays, and I quickly learned to not compare one baby to another. At 41 days, our son Jamie was discharged. This day was one of the best and one of the worst days of my life. My mama heart broke every time I had to leave Jamie at home to go visit his brother Morgan in the hospital, and it broke all over again when it was time to say goodnight and return home. After weeks spent apart due to COVID regulations, we brought Morgan home at 60 days to have the best bro reunion ever. Since discharge, I have made it my mission to advocate for families who find themselves in the midst of a NICU stay.”


Love, Jossie


Love, Kannika