Love, Jess

“The journey you are on with your medically complex miracle may feel impossible, but you are miraculous. You created beauty, regardless of the environment or situation you created it in. Marvel in that.

May you be in awe every time you see the precious life you created. May you be in awe that you created beautiful life in the harshest of circumstances and when all the odds were stacked against you. And may you be in awe that you have given your blessing the best chance at life that you could possibly give.

Regardless of how long you carried your baby, the circumstances surrounding their entry into the world and everything else that comes with it, you are still that tiny person's whole world. You are the reason they fight. You are the reason they have a chance. You are their everything. Marvel in those feelings mumma because you are the best mum for your tiny miracle.”



More of Jess + her son’s NICU journey:

“I delivered on November 17th, 2020 (World Prematurity Day) at 26 weeks and 2 days gestation after suffering severe early onset of preeclampsia. After 114 days, I finally took my sweet miracle boy home. I love and feel for every mumma in this situation because it is tough.”


Love, Rachelle


Love, Marianne