Love, Jamie

“Dear NICU Mama, When it feels like too much, I hope you know that even though this is probably the hardest thing you’ve ever had to go through, you will come out on the other side stronger than you ever believed. Even when the days in the hospital feel endless, you never seem to get enough sleep, and you feel the wires and tubes are robbing you of your newborn experience, you’re writing your very own unique story and watching a real live super hero fight to be with you.

On days when you think your next breath is your hardest, those tiny little fingers will wrap around yours, and you’ll realize you can take another breath and keep fighting right alongside them. Breath by breath, minute by minute and day by day, you’ll get through it all and become a new person. A person with fears but also new hope. A person with defeat but also incredible strength. You’ve become a NICU mom.

One day you’ll walk out of that NICU and feel like you’re leaving a part of your new family and home behind. You’ll catch yourself in a memory and maybe even cry, but then you’ll smile at what an amazingly strong kiddo you brought into the world and what an incredible mama you fought hard to be.”



More of Jamie + Her Son’s NICU Journey:

“We had our son on June 25th 2020, and it was definitely the hardest day of my life. I just didn’t feel right and had my husband take me into our local hospital. I was told I had preeclampsia, and he needed to come out. 

They didn’t seem to be too worried that he was 5 weeks early and told us he would go into the NICU by protocol. What they didn’t know is that the second he came out, he would take one tiny little breath and then code. He actually ended up coding a handful of times and was rushed away long before I had any idea what was happening. 

 They had no idea why he was sick or why he seemed to get worse every day. So after three days and so many problems I can’t even count, they flew him by helicopter to a children’s hospital for complete respiratory failure. He fought hard there for a long time, and we finally took our super hero home!”


Love, Shelly


Your Scar Tells the Story of Love