Love, Evelina

“Dear NICU mama, I cannot wait to see the ways you will persevere and thrive this year.

Mothering is no easy task, and parenting has its fair share of challenges, but you are so capable. Whether you have a village full of support or feel like you’re on your own, always remember that there is an online community ready and willing to receive you.

I see you and I empathize with you. I understand your pain and struggles- both physical and emotional. To the mamas of color and mamas of multiples, I especially understand YOU. I know that you may have doubts, sometimes on a daily or hourly basis, but know that you can and you WILL rise mama! You will persevere and you WILL thrive.

A special note to my mamas of color: Your NICU journey may be especially difficult and you may feel ignored or disrespected at times. Do NOT accept this sort of treatment. Try to find an advocate for you and your little one(s), whether it be yourself or someone else. Make sure that your voice is heard and your concerns are addressed because your questions are all valid and you deserve to be respected!

For my mamas of multiples, I pray for each and every one of your babies. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your little fighters. You may not be successful every day, and you may not feel like your best self, but that’s okay. Know that you are a phenomenal mother and your babies love you.

You’ve got this. I’m rooting for you, I believe in you, and I can’t wait to see what 2023 brings!  2023 will be a year of thriving, shining, and perseverance - despite all the odds. Your NICU warrior(s) will do amazing things in 2023 because they have you as their mama!”


More of Evelina + Her Twins’ NICU Journeys:

“My twin boys were born at 34 weeks and 1 day. What would later be identified as my water slowly breaking, and a discovery of a partial placental abruption, led to an emergency C-section being conducted on a warm Tuesday evening in July. My boys quickly entered this world with a combined weight that was under 7 pounds. This night turned into a NICU stay for 24 days. The first few nights were the scariest and the first week was filled with tears. But over time, my husband and I learned how to best take care of our premature twins and we celebrated their steady progress. Then we rejoiced on the Friday afternoon in August when we finally got to leave the hospital with our NICU warriors and welcome them home. The NICU stay tested my faith, my marriage, and my sanity but it definitely helped me ease into motherhood and learn some helpful tips. The NICU staff was welcoming and reassuring. They made us feel like family during our stay and cared well for our boys.”


Love, Leylin


Love, Sarah