Love, Catie

“Dear NICU Mama, I see how much courage it took to let go. I know that you expected something different when you saw those two lines all those months ago. You had to trust people you’d never met as they whisked your baby away. You had to know that they’d do their best for your little one, while you lay there unable to help. You had to let go of control as you sat at your baby’s bedside, listening to the alarms and the strange soothing sound of the bubble CPAP.

Later on you had to let go of what you thought would be again, as you took your baby home, maybe with tubes and wires as well. You had to let go of the picture in your mind of what your life should be, as the world moved on and your schedule filled with specialists and therapies for your little one.

So now, brave NICU Mama, wherever you are on your journey, I ask you again to let go. Let go of the expectations you’ve placed on yourself and whatever you think you should be doing. Feel whatever you feel—be that joy or sorrow, anger or gratitude. Feel it all. But above all, feel proud of yourself. You are this strong because you had to be. You are this miracle’s mama, and you are amazing. We’re all behind you, this world-wide network of NICU families, and we are so proud of you for letting go.”


More of Catie + Claire’s NICU Journey:

“Claire was born early at 28 weeks due to severe preeclampsia and IUGR. Weighing in at a tiny 565 grams and measuring several weeks behind, Claire has been a fighter from the very beginning.

At barely a week old, she was battling NEC, pneumonia, and sepsis. She has endured countless procedures, tests and scans.

We split our time between the NICU and home whilst caring for our five-year-old son. Visiting restrictions meant only one parent could visit at a time, and lockdown made the experience even harder.

Claire spent 20 weeks, or 141 days, in the NICU and Special Care Unit. She’s now home with her family.”


Love, Bose


Love, Vanessa