Love, Brandi

“Dear NICU Mama, You can be so grateful for your baby, and also grieve the way your motherhood journey began.

No maternity pictures, no more fun alerts from the baby apps on your phone, and no baby shower. Your baby making an early appearance isn’t how you expected your motherhood journey to begin.

You may be someone who always wanted to be pregnant and experience all of the fun things along the way, and you’re upset that you didn’t get to experience and enjoy any of it. That’s okay. No mama expects to see their baby in an isolette connected to so many monitors and not even be able to hold them.

Take it one day at a time and allow yourself to embrace every emotion along the way. You may not be able to care for your baby the way you had hoped right now, but be confident in the fact that they’re exactly where they need to be. Do the simple things you’re allowed to do and know that’s more than enough.

Your baby without a doubt feels the love of their mama with every touch, every smile, and every “I love you”. Give yourself grace as you navigate your new normal in this season. Your motherhood may be different from what is considered “normal”, but your motherhood is just as beautiful. You are exactly the mama your baby needs, and you were built for this.

While you continue to be grateful that your baby is here, know that you aren’t alone in grieving the things you dreamed motherhood would be like.”


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More of Brandi + Maddex’s NICU journey:

““At 25 weeks I was admitted to the hospital after a routine ultrasound because my water bag had dropped and was sitting directly on the cervical cerclage I had placed at 14 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. After 12 days of being in the hospital my water broke and we ended up in an emergent c section due to the start of a possible infection. Maddex was born at 2lbs 4oz on June 7, 2020 and was immediately taken to the NICU where he spent 61 days. Maddex is our rainbow baby who is currently 5 months. He’s happy, healthy and all things amazing!”


Love, Michelle


Love, Sarah