Love, Angelica

“Dear NICU Mama, You may not be the same woman you were before your NICU journey, but you are so much more now than you ever thought you could be. You’ve done what all mamas hope to never have to do. You’ve had to surrender control of your human - the one your body housed, the one your body created, the one you’d give up your own life for.

That alone makes you stronger and braver than you were before. You stepped back so the knowledge and wisdom of others could help your baby. This makes you wise beyond understanding. So please don’t doubt yourself in this moment. I know it’s heartbreaking, and I know without a doubt that you’d trade places if you could.

You may not be the same woman you were before, but you are so much more now than you ever thought you could be.”


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

More of Angelica + Her Daughter’s NICU Journey:

“I am a NICU momma to an almost 5-month-old (2 months corrected) baby girl. We spent 99 days in the NICU.

Taya Ryan was due on 2/27/2021 and born on 12/1/2020, weighing 1 pound 11.5 ounces. I had pre eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, which caused my liver to begin to shut down and deliver at 27 weeks. We have been home since March 9th and cannot be more grateful for a healthy, perfect girl.

I remember the NICU like yesterday. It’s a scary, overwhelming place. We are so glad to be home.”


Love, Jessica


Love, Kelsey