Love, Amanda

“Dear NICU Mama, In moments of fear, I hope you know that you can make it through this. The NICU has a way of bringing out our weaknesses, but it also has a beautiful way of reminding us of the strengths that we often forget. 

NICU mamas are strong. When blindsided with the fact your baby would be in the NICU, you did everything in your power to get them here as safely as possible. It didn’t matter how many pokes, tests, or ultrasounds it took. 

NICU mamas are hopeful . You sit with your precious baby day after day, hoping that you will get to hold them for more than an hour—or that maybe they can wear their first outfit or latch for the first time. 

NICU mamas are resilient. You come back every day and greet your baby with a smile on your face, even when yesterday was hard. 

NICU mamas are brave. You jumped right in and are learning how to care for your fragile baby. You maneuver wires for outfit changes and baths, change diapers through the holes of an incubator, and learn what each and every alarm means. 

I know some days fear will creep in, and it will feel like this journey is never going to end. But please remember this:

Being strong isn’t the absence of fear. Being strong is having that fear but finding your way through it.”


More of Amanda + Teagan’s NICU Journey:

“Teagan was born at 34 weeks due to IUGR and severe preeclampsia. Weighing just 3 pounds 6 ounces, she came out determined and spent just one day on CPAP. She spent 26 days feeding, growing, and getting stronger. Today, she is one year old and has continued to surpass all expectations."


Love, Catherine


Love, Laura