Love, Laura

“Dear NICU mama, Your motherhood story is full of complex duality. You are strong: you gave birth to a fighter and simultaneously became one yourself. Yet you can be soft, a calm and loving presence both for your baby and your own self.

You may feel the pull of medical professionals, recommendations, and others’ opinions, while subsequently pushing to advocate for what feels right.

You may feel exhausted, emotionally and physically, from long drives, seemingly endless days, and sleepless nights; yet be invigorated and enthused with every new milestone and turning point.

However, wherever you fall between the many extremes in your motherhood story, may you remember that in that same story, you are undeniably the best mother possible for your baby. You are not alone.


More of Laura + Her Daughter’s NICU story:

“Our NICU story began at 26 weeks when my water broke prematurely, related to my placenta previa/accreta. Five days later my daughter was born via cesarean section. The next 106 days were a series of gradual progressions. From cpaps and hand holding, to kangaroo care and vapo therm, to bottle feeding and swallow studies. My daughter has been home for three weeks now, and although our story doesn’t end with that fact, we have a healthy baby and a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of us.”


Love, Melissa


Love, Rachel